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Edit history:
ozzy88: 2013-09-29 06:31:16 pm
ozzy88: 2013-09-29 06:23:16 pm
ozzy88: 2013-09-13 04:19:07 pm
ozzy88: 2013-09-12 09:58:09 pm
ozzy88: 2013-09-12 09:55:18 pm
ozzy88: 2013-09-12 09:54:57 pm
ozzy88: 2013-08-12 07:07:20 am
Hey everyone!

These are the notes from our discussions about ESA so far. Everything is in English so all of you can see what has been looked into so far!

We need more who are engaged in with the planning -> CLEAR roles/responsibilities
17st people who are dedicated with different areas of responsibility?
Even more being delegated by these 17 in charge?

Setup on the spot:
Sound setup!
Tech setup!
More testing!

Donation incentives should also come with the games suggestion and estimate!

T-shirts to finance costs of prices?
Buying prices to a raised entrée fee?
Special home-made prices?
One bigger price per day (750SEK)
A massive final price (2000SEK)
Give Forsa/Pottoww a budget to work with to find said prices?

Avvrock, will be contacted about making them for us again!

Scheduled 4-hour working periods, people switch with each other
Input all donation incentives even before arriving at ESA!

Making updates of the schedule offset automatic?
We will make it easy to access for us to update it!
About three people working with the schedule?

Tasks on the spot:
Scheduled tasks -> potential gift?
Clear instructions for what is available to us and not at the venues.

Chat moderation:
New layout in the streaming room, to make moderation easier.
Will search for people to help out with this!
Help from SDA?

Game developers:
Try to have something like Ittle Dew again.
Get game developers to "call in" and commentate during the runs of their games?

Nyeport! (During the period it's officially closed)
The Volvo house across the street?
Hotel deals?

Not letting key personnel leave the event in the beginning of the event!
Clear rules for how to behave when on stream!
Clear rules for how to behave in all the rooms in the venues!
Designated chat readers that sit next to the runners, taking questions and getting answers for the relevant ones!

Thoughts, stance of policy:
Donations for stuff to happen on stream?
Multiple streams?
The viewers will interact and power the stream?
Fun smaller donation wars. Perhaps for who's going to have to wear something on stream or such?
Donations where the amount is important, not the amount of money raised?

Notes from our the last planning meeting:

For ESA to become an SDA-event we got to have:

* Better chat moderation
* Not encourage FrankerZ spam or similar behaviour
* Take proper measures against potential Pokegrill/YSG incidents

We will demand more from runners making game suggestions. Purpose being more accurate evaluation of the runs entertainment value, technical aspects and the credibility of the runner.

We will schedule all tasks properly. For example donation reading, donation-station, sound-station, kitchen duties and cleaning duties.

The duration of the event in total we are aiming for is ten days at the moment. That includes, one day for preparations, seven days of streamed event and two days of bonus stream and cleaning up the place.

For now the plan is to start the stream for ESA2014 around noon or 1pm on a Sunday.

In charge of scheduling and organizing the future meetings will be ozzy88.

For now we will try to have a meeting every other week with one main topic to solve and hopefully do so in about 30min or less if we can focus.

Notes from meeting during 2013-09-29

Planning the planning:

Marketing - Charleon, ?
Website  - Edenal, ?
Threads  - ozzy88, Edenal, ?
Prizes    - Potowww, ?
Economics - ???
Charity  - ???
Tech      - MrLonghair, Edenal, Oazis ???
Schedule  - Svenne, Joka, ?
Game List - Joka, Bangerra, Oazis, MrLonghair, ozzy88, Flicky

Using Trello for "planning the planning"!!!


Volvo House not an option.
Nyeport also unlikely but will be looked into, also nearby schools.
House of Culture, still the fall-back plan.

Preliminary days are set!
ESA2014 will be held during the last week of July and go into the beginning of August. (week 31)

Board of Dirctors:

Minor decition making
Structure - hirarki
"Function head"

Thread title:  
Edit history:
Niss3: 2013-08-11 06:48:17 pm
Niss3: 2013-08-11 06:46:51 pm
Niss3: 2013-08-11 06:46:43 pm
Niss3: 2013-08-11 06:45:47 pm
Niss3: 2013-08-11 06:37:20 pm
Niss3: 2013-08-11 06:36:30 pm
Niss3: 2013-08-11 06:23:02 pm
Niss3: 2013-08-11 06:22:26 pm
Niss3: 2013-08-11 06:21:14 pm
Niss3: 2013-08-11 06:17:49 pm
Niss3: 2013-08-11 06:12:58 pm
Niss3: 2013-08-11 06:12:36 pm
Niss3: 2013-08-11 06:10:05 pm
Niss3: 2013-08-11 06:07:00 pm
Niss3: 2013-08-11 06:06:47 pm
Niss3: 2013-08-11 06:05:56 pm
Gä & Slä
I believe the secret to success is to have commited people in charge of different sections of planning.

It might be impossible for us, but the dream senario would be if we could gather about ~12 persons that can take main responsibillity for one section each.
In addition to that we would need about 18 volunteers to our disposal.

MPIC* Main Person in Charge (H* Head)
(of course the same person can be MPIC of several sections, which we most certainly won't be able to avoid)

1 overseer of all sections. The HPIC*!

Donations-tracker & reading, 1 MPIC
Economy, 1 MPIC
Marketeering, 1 MPIC
Prices & incentives, 1 MPIC
Stream? +video, 1 MPIC
Stream? +ljud, 1 MPIC
Fare & accommodation, 1 MPIC
ESA attendee-cards, 1 MPIC
Overlays, 1 MPIC?
Mover, 1 MPIC
Scheduling, 1 MPIC

~12 sections in need of MPICs

And additionally ~18+X volunteers that MPICs have at their disposal.

Donations-tracker & reading, 1 MPIC +5 volunteers? Manning the donation-station.

Economics, entrence fees, locale fees, handeling of money in general

Marketing, delegate work to volunteers if needed. Main responsible for marketeering and press/media.

Prices and incentives. Organising, recruiting and collecting.

Stream? +video, MPIC +5 volunteers? Supplying streaming computer and video capturing equipment. In charge of setups and maintenance.

Stream? +ljud, MPIC +5 volunteers? Supplying microphones, sound equipment, setting it up and keeping it under surveillance.

Fare & accommodation, 1 MPIC +X volunteers. In charge of breakfast, cleaning, toilets, purchasing, "keyshifts" if needed and so on.

ESA attendee-cards, 1 MPIC. Creating badges.

Overlays, 1 MPIC? Creating overlays.

Mover, 1 MPIC +3? volunteers. One with a drivers-licence. Moving and decorating of chairs, sofas, tables and TVs.

Scheduling, 1 MPIC. Putting together the schedule, taking  feedback, registering people and infromation such as allergies etc. Making sure attendees have paid before scheduling?!
Just adding a thought here.

I think it would be a good idea to plan for around when what thread and what process needs to be handled. Maybe make a timeline or a flow chart?


Main Thread -> Game suggestions -> Tech thread -> Prizes -> Sign-ups -> Website -> Practice thread -> Payment thread -> Travel thread -> ...

It would also be a good idea to list what is going to be included in said thread, what is it's purposes. For instance, we would like to have a mailing-list for easier sharing of information this year. Should this be included in the Sign-up process or earlier?
Jag tycker jag kan göra schema och ragga personer, vet att jag raggade massa personer till ESA den här gången. Har gärna en person att bolla schemat med, dock så är det enormt tidskrävande nog så vet inte om att ta med anmälningar borde vara under det bordet, mer att få personer att ställa upp och ge dem rätt information för att signa upp.
Edit history:
Niss3: 2013-08-11 07:10:14 pm
Niss3: 2013-08-11 06:41:34 pm
Niss3: 2013-08-11 06:41:07 pm
Niss3: 2013-08-11 06:38:41 pm
Gä & Slä
Är inte schemat och att hålla koll på vilka som kan komma ganska närbesläktat Svenne?

Dock tror jag personligen att det vore bra för vår egen utveckling om vi byter och ansvarar för olika avdelningar från år till år, precis som politiker gör.
Edit history:
MrLonghair: 2013-08-12 12:48:13 pm
There was a lack of order, discipline and professional structure, to illustrate; instead of a solid foundation out of special concrete, it was a soft swaying surface the skyscraper that ESA2013 became, was built upon. This is already on a good path towards improvement, vilket är bra att se.

Would like to bring my up my idea of a little folded pamphlet, wallet-sized, with all the information that could be of use to long-ter visitors. From rules to contact information, to how this and that works if they might need to sit at the mixer for example, a little map and "i händelse av skit" information.

I see another potential role for ESA2014 and that is the HR Director (mänskliga resurser), to when everything is in place and gets rolling be the spider in the web of contact information that delivers messages, informs, directs and sends the people on the spot to places, the one with the mission to keep check of everybody, simnply. No more "where the heck is X", instead "he's sleeping, should we send an ollare?"


Det rådde brist på ordning, disciplin och professionell struktur, för att illustrera; istället för en god bra grund i förstärkt betong var det en svajig yta skyskrapan som ESA2013 blev byggdes på. Det här är redan på goda vägar till förbättring, which is nice.

Vill dra upp min ide om en litet vikt häfte, plånboks-mått, med all information som kan krävas för långtidsbesökerare. Från regler, till kontaktinfo, till hur det här och det här görs om dom kan önskas fylla in för att sköta mixer tex, liten karta, "if shit happens" information.

Jag ser en eventuell till roll för ESA2014 och det är HR Director (Human Resources), att när allting väl är på plats och börjar dra igång vara kontaktpersonen som förmedlar, informerar, dirigerar människorna på plats, har uppgiften att ha koll på människorna helt enkelt. Aldrig mer "var fan är X", istället "han slafar, ska vi skicka en väckare?".
Let's keep this in english. Since non-swedish speaking people will start to drop in soon. (You can always edit and translate your posts!)
I think I will learn the audio-station for next year. Perhaps Ozzy might do the schedule and all that stuff. I feel like it was an ungrateful task.
Quote from Svenne:
I think I will learn the audio-station for next year. Perhaps Ozzy might do the schedule and all that stuff. I feel like it was an ungrateful task.

I can understand that .. regrettably a schedule that fits EVERYONE is impossible, and I think that some of the conflicts stemmed from Europe viewers vs Murrica' viewers? Although it was said to do the schedule with europeans in mind. Personally I think the schedule worked REALLY well, and it felt like a lot of work had been put down into it. I found places where i could sleep, and had long blocks of interesting runs that i could watch in a row, so at least i'm grateful for that work!
Edit history:
MrLonghair: 2013-08-13 12:57:09 pm
MrLonghair: 2013-08-13 12:56:31 pm
MrLonghair: 2013-08-13 12:53:55 pm
I think it's best to schedule with the people, the runners in mind. Viewer demographics second. We've got nightowls, we can definitely improvise fillers (AwfulGamesDoneLate). West coast US is eleven hours behind us, east coast six, depending on the dumb daylight savings bullshit that the EU should ban.

15-17 every day is when nicovideo Japan gets traffic congestion, to set runs of games with more Japanese interest to that time would be gold. Comfortable time for us too.


Next-gen console running: You'll be able to stream from them, that's a donation incentive dontcha think? Unless otherwise specified uStream (PS4) is at 480p just like free accounts, not bandwidth expensive. Xbox One streaming will be 720p.

Another donation incentive idea I dreamed up: Acting out dialogue from unskippable cutscenes (complete with scripts in commentators hands)

Donation war: Karaoke Mode VS "NO NO MORE SINGING ARGH"
Edit history:
Edenal: 2013-08-13 03:48:29 pm
Edenal: 2013-08-13 03:46:00 pm
Edenal: 2013-08-13 03:45:34 pm
What roles can we fill right now?

1 overseer of all sections. The HPIC*!

Donations-tracker & reading, 1 MPIC
Economy, 1 MPIC
Marketeering, 1 MPIC
Prices & incentives, 1 MPIC (Pottoww?)
Stream? +video, 1 MPIC (Oasiz/Edenal?)
Stream? +ljud, 1 MPIC (Niss3?/Longhair?(Charleon?)
Fare & accommodation, 1 MPIC
ESA attendee-cards, 1 MPIC (Edenal)
Overlays, 1 MPIC? (Edenal)
Mover, 1 MPIC
Scheduling, 1 MPIC
Actually Marketing is something I'm pretty much interested in. I used to work with it when I had my own company. I'm not saying i'm good, as i'm selftaught, but I think that I can manage something at least! A long email-list, some promotional artwork etc etc would be needed, More can be discussed in a separate thread for just marketing. Longhair and Niss3 is definitely better as an MPIC for sound than me.
2 hours every day on nico videos would be good. Are you good on writing japanese MrLonghair?
Edit history:
MrLonghair: 2013-08-13 04:55:08 pm
Yes and yes Svenne. It streams in 30 minute segments, it's extremely difficult to buy credit for up to six hour long streams. Six hours worth of credit is a nutty 6000 yen. Will need a laptop better than my 2005 pile of shit to use for it, hope to buy a new one for that sake because it requires use of their Xsplit derative software.

They learn more and more of foreign RTA marathons, in fact two guys on my twitter found SGDQ and began reteweeting stuff from there. Right now Comiket is going on along with a bunch of various festivals, national and local, I'll check things out hard the moment it's time to think about possible ESA dates.
Edit history:
Niss3: 2013-08-13 08:13:07 pm
Niss3: 2013-08-13 08:12:34 pm
Gä & Slä
Whoever takes on marketing and economics would benefit from taking a few classes to learn or recall useful ways of working and casual tips. I think that would benefit ESA alot, especially on the marketing part.

I'm not sure how it's done elsewhere, but here in Skövde they provide such classes for free. At least if you're a member in an association such as Ludendi, and request the classes for the good of it :)
Edit history:
ozzy88: 2013-08-14 01:49:03 pm
ozzy88: 2013-08-14 01:47:52 pm
Quote from Charleon:
Actually Marketing is something I'm pretty much interested in. I used to work with it when I had my own company. I'm not saying i'm good, as i'm selftaught, but I think that I can manage something at least! A long email-list, some promotional artwork etc etc would be needed, More can be discussed in a separate thread for just marketing. Longhair and Niss3 is definitely better as an MPIC for sound than me.

When it comes to the marketing I'm a bit more interested this year although I still have no experience. What I could do is start a conversation with the game journalist I spoke to put some stuff about ESA on their site this year and see if he has any wise words for how we could spread it across the Swedish gaming community at least. But that's pretty much all I've got.

Quote from Niss3:
Whoever takes on marketing and economics would benefit from taking a few classes to learn or recall useful ways of working and casual tips. I think that would benefit ESA alot, especially on the marketing part.

I'm not sure how it's done elsewhere, but here in Skövde they provide such classes for free. At least if you're a member in an association such as Ludendi, and request the classes for the good of it :)

I guess I'd be willing to go do that but what kind of "member" are talking here? I mean, according to Curseddolls you were given a Ludendi membership or renewal while paying for ESA 2013. If that is true then is that enough to take the classes you mentioned?

Quote from Svenne:
I think I will learn the audio-station for next year. Perhaps Ozzy might do the schedule and all that stuff. I feel like it was an ungrateful task.

At the moment I don't feel like making the schedule but I'm going to keep an open mind for now.

In any case, I don't know where I fit in into the planning as I don't really have any expertise and not very much experience in any field. I'm willing to learn and willing to keep on taking care of threads, answering questions and helping out in what ways I can. Having a special field to take responsibility for doesn't sound like something I can guarantee that I can do well enough. But I'd gladly be under someone else helping them out.

What I'm mostly into helping out with at the moment is planning out how we're going to do things to make the planning phase go well.

Also, not feeling like taking the overseer of all sections spot Edenal? You did a heck of a job organizing ESA 2013 and It'd be a waste if you didn't continue with that. Or is that spot meant for something else?
Quote from ozzy88:
Also, not feeling like taking the overseer of all sections spot Edenal? You did a heck of a job organizing ESA 2013 and It'd be a waste if you didn't continue with that. Or is that spot meant for something else?

I'm up for it again. Though there are several issues we need to address.
For starters it was very annoying not to be able to make decisions where money was involved, even though we ended up financing the whole event only through entrance fees because we didn't have access to the Ludendi account. Basically there were too many limitations due to us being tied to Ludendi but at the same time not being Ludendi? If you guys understand what I'm trying to say.

For the next event, we need a separate account, separate budget to be able to function efficiently. At times, it felt like we had one hand tied up.

How do you feel about that?
Edit history:
Svenne: 2013-08-15 03:15:40 pm
About the money, I agree we need a seperate account if we cannot have another person to get access to it then Frezy. Could he not just give you access aswell?
Probably. Though it's something we need to discuss and agree upon first.
Edit history:
ozzy88: 2013-08-15 05:45:15 pm
I think a bank- and Paypal account for ESA events would benefit us. We not really being Ludendi can't slow us down like last year and I think the easy solution is to separate us apart from Ludendi for the finances part. In the end, it will still essentially be a Ludendi event.

I think a good approach could be -> plan/finance ESA2014 -> ship prizes -> make a rough budget for ESA2015 from what is left -> send potential excess money to Ludendi

                                                                                              ^ if this is going to be continued

Because money to spend for marketing, scavenging for new prices and other stuff shouldn't have to go through Ludendi and back to anyone's personal account or something like that.

Does that make any sense?
That makes total sense Ozzy. I spoke with Freddy after this and he said that Ludendi has about 11.000 SEK from last year and 22.000 SEK from this years ESA.

If we want to spend it on equipment, prizes or simply pay the rent next year. I don't know.

The one thing I do know about ESA2014, is that I want double streams. How it's going to work? I have not clue. But the "main" stream is likely going to be the same as ESA2013.
I'm also open to figure look into bigger races (4 people) or even 8 for certain games, and increase the stream to 1080p.
Quote from Edenal:
That makes total sense Ozzy. I spoke with Freddy after this and he said that Ludendi has about 11.000 SEK from last year and 22.000 SEK from this years ESA.

If we want to spend it on equipment, prizes or simply pay the rent next year. I don't know.

The one thing I do know about ESA2014, is that I want double streams. How it's going to work? I have not clue. But the "main" stream is likely going to be the same as ESA2013.
I'm also open to figure look into bigger races (4 people) or even 8 for certain games, and increase the stream to 1080p.

That's awesome, as i'm picking up ducktales, SM2 and metroid now :D
How "Helloooooooow!" can you go?
I really like the idea that there could be donation incentives where the amount donated is not important but the number of (different) people who donated for that thing... "democratize" the choice. Maybe that's a better idea for if there's choice of game -type donation wars. Otherwise you could just do a chat poll.

ozzy88's idea to have a "timeline" for the whole process seems very good. All I know is volunteering for people who are not MPICs should start after some kind of schedule has been created for the event so people can check to see when they're not busy.

I can be HPIC of kitchen again next year...

The double stream idea... Where did this idea originate? I like it if the second stream would be used for interviews of the previous runner so that if you're really into a game you just saw you can pose more questions there. Also random practicing/whatever? It could be quite freeform for the rest.
Quote from LotBlind:
The double stream idea... Where did this idea originate? I like it if the second stream would be used for interviews of the previous runner so that if you're really into a game you just saw you can pose more questions there. Also random practicing/whatever? It could be quite freeform for the rest.

It originates from the massive disappointments of guys and gals who wants to attend *GDQ / ESA but doesn't play Mario64, Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Super Metroid. It's the only step we can take to fit more games on the schedule because we are still limited to about 7 days of streaming.

I believe that a lot of people would rather have their game/games on the sub-stream than not at all. And I believe in more diversity than the *GDQ marathons. Statistics show that about 35% of the games re-occur, but in practice it's just about replacing The Wind Waker with Twilight Princess, or Contra 3 with Contra 1.

*GDQ are not prone to experiments. And we can actually make a difference by showing that certain types of game (Time Crisis for example) is not a terrible idea.
4 player races are hype! Applause