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Edit history:
Edenal: 2013-09-30 07:25:07 pm
Edenal: 2013-09-01 01:53:07 pm
Edenal: 2013-08-30 09:27:10 pm
Edenal: 2013-08-30 09:12:13 pm
Double Streams in the main room.
With enough equipment we can provide 2x streams. One would be the main stream, and would have more focus on commentary, probably more top-tier games.
The second stream would be located right next to the main stream, but will be having less available mics. Likely only 4.

Double games on stream.
Similar games can be played with the race setup. That would allow us to not have to choose between Mega Man 2 / 3. Just play them both.

Selling merchandise to finance to event
This is something that have been discussed before. *GDQ partially finance their event by taking the revenue from Twitch commercials.
I believe our philosophy is different in the way that we do not want any commercials on our stream, I recognize that this is a substantial additional source of income, and it's still up for debate if we want to introduce scheduled commercials?


We could try to strike a deal with yeetee or a similar site, or even make T-shirts ourselves to help financing the event. I don't know the exact number on how many shirts they sell. But playing with some numbers here... If we would sell 150, and make a 2€ profit from each. That's 300€. If we sell 400 and make 4€ each, that's 1600€.

Different levels of entrance fee
We could have different levels of fee, which would include different things. (Another way to finance the event).
Starter pack - Just the normal, basic fee we had last year. Includes breakfast and badge.
Booster pack - Same as basic, but in addition includes a limited edition T-shirt as is + 20€
Super Mega Happy Space Adventure Pack (Limited to 25?) - Same as Booster pack but includes a special badge, and your nickname featured on a "special thanks to" on website. And a special additional text on the T-shirt. Would be +40€

More to come as I think of it.

No charity
The interest in charity seems very low. From the staff, from attendees and from the viewers.
Increase focus on prizes and let the donations cover food, rent and hotel charges for each attendant?

Subvention the event? As long as it's public is should be fine.

Bad Edenal... BAD!
Thread title:  
Saving second post.

Gonna update this as we go.
I think two different games on one stream would be confusing fast.  You also wouldn't really be able to give commentary for both.
Edit history:
MrLonghair: 2013-08-23 09:09:17 pm
MrLonghair: 2013-08-23 05:31:26 pm
I'm thinking rec-room, practice-room, whatever-stream, but just as a low-effort chill-cam. If the game on the main stream really really doesn't interest whoever's watching we'll keep them watching by offering this alternative, without risking anybody wanting to watch both at once. Back-stage stream.

Something like the green room would easily be picked up by just one decent webcam mic (Logitech are supreme)


More professional route, backstage stream of the kind that interviews runners who just finished, their thoughts, etc. That could be a chattier backstage stream, let them wash off then come sit and chat a little if they want.

Expanded thought: Knowledgable hosts with active commentary on the couch for the backstage stream - with the actual stream going in another sub-window?
I don't like either idea Edenal, they are crazy and just crazy doesn't cut it.

If you just have to have two streams do not make that conflict with the main event.

MrLonghair brings up some stuff that could work.
Quote from ozzy88:
I don't like either idea Edenal, they are crazy and just crazy doesn't cut it.

If you just have to have two streams do not make that conflict with the main event.

Crazy was probably the wrong word. Experimental is better.

Please elaborate how, NOT having dual streams and NOT having double games will benefit our case and the overall event :)
Simply just the fact that you'd be running two streams means more tech, more people needed, possible conflictions with available hardware and in the end if just the "sub-stream" suffers for it in terms of commentary that'd be bad enough. 

It also means more planning and harder scheduling. I would rather see that we can properly handle one stream in all aspects then managing 2 streams and experiment with it.
Having one stream just for nico and one for twitch, so both feels special does come in mind, so we don't have  asecundary stream on twitch etc :3
Edit history:
MrLonghair: 2013-08-29 09:10:41 pm
MrLonghair: 2013-08-29 07:05:31 pm
MrLonghair: 2013-08-28 08:07:48 pm
If there were to be two streams they should not be on separate pages. Secondary stream should have a ticker reminder to check out the first stream, donate and such. Don't want people to tune into the second all the time, would prefer it there as an alternative, "I don't feel for this game so I'll mute the main stream and concentrate on the actually interesting alternate stream".

TL;DR "Dual gamestreams? I think it would be counter-productive, would rather have the second filled with good alternative entertainment"

(Second stream wouldn't require much in my eyes, webcam and a good mic. Thinking.. roundtable. A round table Sit and talk, watching a live'y preview of what's going on in the stream room.)


This instrument purchase arrived today, and I will be learning it, to gladly do some game music related thing on ESA2014 if I find it suitable:

It could be used for drumming, looping things. Whatcha think Charleon?
Caution: This user contains Kana ^_^
I've said this in other spots and I've read it somewhere else, but I'll still restate it:
No charity is a very bad idea™. While there might be little interest in choosing the charity, I believe it is the non-profit nature of these events what makes them popular. I don't know about the other people on the donation mic, but I regularly plugged the charity, reminding people of where the money goes. I doubt as many non-Swedish people would attend without charity.
Also, from what I experienced at C4L, choosing the right of charity can have a big positive impact on the event as a whole. The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation had a local branch right in Edmonton. We kicked the event off with two diabetics from said charity being interviewed by Poxnor, to explain a little what the funded research does, why it's necessary and how diabetes impairs people. We had at least one (my memory's bad) further visit from a very high staff member of the Edmonton bureau, to cheer us on, plus one of the board members (who happened to be an acquaintance of Pox' dad) visited us several times (and provided us with yummy pizzas). They saw how much we raised (six times the amount Poxnor guaranteed them before the event started) and were so shocked and awed that they will try to help C4L14 even more, with things such as supplying hotel rooms (not from their budget, they're looking into getting them donated), supplying food (not from their budget, they're looking into getting it donated) and a place to stream from (not from their bud… you get the idea ;) ).

Tl;dr charity: Get one where a few thousand dollars make a difference, tell them how much we raised this year, and be awed at the support they give. Do not change the charitable nature of the event.

Different levels of the entrance fee is something I generally would see as a good thing. I'ld be all up and buy the Booster pack. However, the SMHSAP (shouldn't that rather be called something like 'Super Nice Extra Stuff Pack', or SNES-Pack?) should acutally add something more imho. Just having your name with 'special thanks to' on the site and a different version of the T-shirt doesn't do the trick for me. I'm trying to be creative now, to think of something I would like, but I can't … hm. Maybe gets to choose a perler to take home? Something like that. Added value. Special thanks to doesn't add value ;)

Selling merchandise to finance the event is not a bad idea either. I think, many people like the non-ad nature of the stream (although people like me wouldn't be put off by ads, thinking that it's just thirty seconds with nothing happening in the background anyway), so at least I would ask around greater viewer numbers before adding ads. I know we tried to insert three minutes worth of ads between games at C4L, but that doesn't mean that's the only way to go. Granted, C4L games had a significantly longer mean than ESA games 8D. We used the ad time (at least I did) to do the between-games setup, by the way.
Yetee deal might not work just as envisioned. The way I understand the Yetee donations is that usually the T-shirt artist gets the 3 out of 11 dollars; but those who do *GDQ shirt designs specifically chose to have their 3 dollars go to the charity instead. I don't think we'ld be able to get the artists to give us all the three dollars, unless the artist is an ESA attendee or something. Talking to … was it Keefry? … should give clarity here, though.
Otherwise having shirts we could sell is something I'm badly missing with the ESAs compared to the *GDQs.

Walls of text  H y P e !
How "Helloooooooow!" can you go?
If the idea of having different entrance fee levels is to acquire some more money to cover expenses then so long as it's clear that that's what the extra ticket cost goes to it might start to look like an attractive idea for those with regular relatively good salaries to choose the "deluxe" package even if the difference isn't fabulous.
Another idea:

This is a sidetrack of the of game suggestion round-table idea.

I feel that we sucked big time last year at hyping the event. And with an event of this size should we should start hyping it 6 months in advance. What I'm suggesting is that we, starting the week or two after AGDQ, host a podcast/roundtable twice a month. Maybe a sunday a few hours before TSSB. Where we talk about the planing process, gain followers on our Twitter/Twitch account, invite a runner or two to talk about previous experiences.

Simply get people talking!
This appears on your posts beneath y
Quote from Alko:
No charity is a very bad idea™.

Just gonna quote this and not add anything new to the discussion.
Quote from Edenal:
Another idea:

This is a sidetrack of the of game suggestion round-table idea.

I feel that we sucked big time last year at hyping the event. And with an event of this size should we should start hyping it 6 months in advance. What I'm suggesting is that we, starting the week or two after AGDQ, host a podcast/roundtable twice a month. Maybe a sunday a few hours before TSSB. Where we talk about the planing process, gain followers on our Twitter/Twitch account, invite a runner or two to talk about previous experiences.

Simply get people talking!

Me like. Problem being I wouldn't really know what to talk about. :P
How "Helloooooooow!" can you go?
What to talk about? Just talk about how awesome ESA 2013 was! ;)
Spawned a crazy idea I wanted to share here:
For certain games that deserve it, an elaborate pad-cam. Either a dedicated camera-handler from afar (zoom capability) or something like a GoPro if a runner is cool with it.