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Hey everyone,

I know I'm not fortunate enough to an actual Team Ludendi member (yet!) but I absolutely love your community and think that you guys are awesome in every way and I will happily help out with anything :)

Some of you will know me from SDA/Twitch etc, my name is James or Tiberius, which ever you prefer is good. I run several games very badly such as the Pokemon series, Sonic 2/3k and am currently learning Metroid Fusion and Little Nemo after playing it at SGL.

Despite having to pull out of ESA last minute this year, next year I will be there if I have to wade through a forest of razorblades!

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Hey Captain Kirk!

Very welcome and don't worry about the ESA stuff! Stuff happens. Everyone is welcome here in our community!

You should fit right at home. Please write everywhere you can, the forum just got re-launched from one thing to the Team Ludendi forum so we are just as new as you are here! I really like metroid fusion so you should post your twitch in the live-stream thing so we can follow you! I hope I can see you on a UK meet-up or ESA2014! :)

Donät be a stranger! cookie

Sounds like we've got one guaranteed ESA2014 attendee so far! :)
Caution: This user contains Kana ^_^
*coughs* two =O
100% gamer
yes I am slow but finally got the new address to our forum so hello and welcome.. :)