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Hi there my alias is Rarthyr I was technically speedrunning ever since RE2 came out but started to take it seriously a decade later. I now own the world record for the fastest speedrun of Devil May Cry 1 at 57 minutes and 42 seconds however I have since gone onto another game I really like. Super Metroid! I am practicing and hopefully I will get good at it after many months of brutalizing practice. If you guys want you can check out some of my vids at youtube.com/rarthyr I hope to have a nice time with you all on this forum.
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100% gamer
oooh dmc.. epic :D
Pleased to meet you Rathyr, Super Metroid just happens to be my favurite game of all time. I've put some time into learing how to speedrun it and worked on it's speedrun wiki but I've never even completed a single Any% run. :P

Best of luck to you!