Pres, that is one heck of a run and it's good that you are pushing it! When you find atleast one opponent who does NG+ with major skips I will put it on the leaderboard! ;)
Carapace, that is awesome! I managed to get the once during the October races! ;)
I am happy with this, being it was my 8th that I finished the game! :3
PS: be sure to post you new pb's here so I can gather them all! by the looks of it, feasel or heidrage will be #10 spot now, so we have gotten the #10 spot down from 1:49 to 1:29, truly amazing guys!
So I kept grinding at it, and eventually realized I was probably good enough now to at least break even skipping the second scroll lock, and instead just manning up for medicine cave. So I'm doing only two healer glitches now.
There's still a few more minutes that can come off of this, most of it in a better second glitch. But 28:14 it is. NG Glitched.