I did test the free conversion program(s). Problem is that they reduce the quality by almost 50%. Also, there are plug-ins to let Premiere import flv files, but they cost money. Also, my premiere is not exactly legal.... and it started to act weird.
I can fix all of this I think. I can upgrade my premier (uninstall and re-install a newer version), and then try to get the import program for free as well.... (so much *argh!*). I started out with CS5.5 but the import program did not recognize that. So I downgraded to CS4.0 (which, according to some forums, were better at importing flv as well, for some strange reason). 4.0 did not import the flv, but the plug-in recognized it so I could use the plug-in. But it was a trial version so all imported clips had text on top of it AND premiere itself would randomly shut down. Maaaaybe if I re-install CS5.5 then the plug-in will recognize it and I can try and find a complete version of the plug-in.
Thanks for trying to help though. It's just. I enjoy movie editing, I hate trying to make a program that sucks work. IF someone could download the clips I need and convert them to mp4 without losing quality and send them to me somehow, THEN I'd be very happy making the promo :P
I have found programs to cut down .flv files which can be good to reduce the conversion time (since I have to download 30 min VOD's of which I will use 5-15 sec). So the first problem can be "solved" (it will still take a lot of time), but the second problem is the crucial one.
Does anyone know how to convert high quality .flv files (and the raw twitch files have surprisingly good quality) without reducing quality?
So I'm back in business with trying to make an ESA 2014 promo. I know it's a long time away but I want to make a few "test" versions before setteling. And I have some time now. And I found out how to convert .flv to .mp4 without losing quality for free.
But I'm gonna need some help. I want as many of you as possible to do the following: 1. Watch this: 2. So we want something like this? (Not sure if I can make a fancy custom mega-man....) 3. If we want something like this we will need footage of runners running games where the game screen = whole screen. E.i not footage from ESA 2013. I will add some footage from ESA 2013 as well, but I think it's nice to have some high-quality footage that does not have any particular border. 4. This is what I want you to do, either: a) Give me a link to a twitch VOD where you preform a nice speedrun trick/glitch/something cool with little or no overlay. b) Make a VOD where you do a) and link it to me.
I'll do the rest unless someone else want to do this.
I know we do not have all the info a promo VOD should include yet (like a small list of at least some games and runners) but I want to be 80% ready for the rest of the info. Thanks in advance!
Short answer: Yes, we want a promo video. We have a logo that's currently being used for Twitter/Facebook and was used during last ESA. We will stick with that one for now.
TimpZ was working on something last year. Charleon did the music. That promo-video never got 100% finished, but it's in my opinion lightyears better than the one you linked and referenced. It's something original but fresh at the same time and does not have a freaking logo made in Microsoft Word 97 with "word art".
I'm almost finished with this track that BloodDuster sent me and that I made an arrangement of. The whole thing is about 3 minutes long. I only need to remix the instruments to make the balance better. I'm doing that within a few days.
I'm almost finished with this track that BloodDuster sent me and that I made an arrangement of. The whole thing is about 3 minutes long. I only need to remix the instruments to make the balance better. I'm doing that within a few days.
Nice. Thanks for all the feedback. So I was 80% done with a "beta" trailer just to show what sort of set-up I had in mind, but now Premiere crashes every time I open up my project.... I think it does not handle images well, so I might have to remake it from scratch without images for now.... bah.
If you think a good professional voice could read something up for a hype video, give me a quick something and I'll record a sample for you. I just need to get rid of inflamed gums (2-3 days at best if the weather lets up), worked a year as a radio voice, got equipment that costs too much and good neutral English all audio-engineers love to listen to.
If you think a good professional voice could read something up for a hype video, give me a quick something and I'll record a sample for you. I just need to get rid of inflamed gums (2-3 days at best if the weather lets up), worked a year as a radio voice, got equipment that costs too much and good neutral English all audio-engineers love to listen to.
The "beta-trailer" had stupid text flying over the screen to "tell" what would be featured in ESA and I was thinking the whole time: "This would be much better without text but with an epic voice". Please send me a sample. If it's good I'll send you a small list of things to say.
Personally suited me better than the original. But about 3-4 minutes too long, viewers attention span is usually not that long.
A mix of the two is where I think the sweetspot is!
Both this one and the ESA 2013 one are quite good. I see that I might have to think a bit differently to make something more original and less generic. Hmm.....
That one that Edenal linked for AGDQ 2014 was pretty neat. First I was thinking that it would be a good fit for like a TV commercial but then again, how often do we see 3min commercials on the TV?
Edenal, so cute, I'm dying. Video that is 3 minutes long is 3-4 minutes too long?
So I've been waiting a few days for a reply from BloodDuster to confirm what the correct name is to ascribe this track to but seeing as he hasn't answered we'll go with this: